Thing 7 - Twitter

I've never really got to grips with Twitter. It seemed to me the Twittersphere was for mutual admiration and back slapping. However I spent some time tonight going through the twitter guides in Thing 7 and can now see I was only scratching the surface. Sadly as I get older I am learning - you always need a plan! I spent about an hour searching for topics related to my area of interest at work and finding out what students thought of my place of work, some good, some bad! I actually used my time productively instead looking for the latest Fozzy Bear tweets. The thing that has held me back from posting on twitter is the thought that I have nothing interesting to add or say and what if people think I am just talking rubbish! That may well be the case but its no longer going to hold me back. I'm going to re-read some of the twitter guides and get out there and start tweeting and back slapping! If you want to feel good about yourself and get...