Thing 6 - Accessibility
What a great course this has been so far. I've learnt something new in every activity.
It must have been about the mid 90's when I got my first Nokia mobile phone. I remember it went off when I was on the bus and the entire bus turned around to look at me as if to say who is the big-shot! I thought I knew what features and functions I had on my phone, it turns out I know nothing.
The level of customisation was a real eye-opener. I have a Samsung Galaxy 5 and was unaware it had the capability of subtitles, sound balance and even a baby crying detector. The talk back option was great until I had difficulties turning it off! The magnifier option was also a real find and I've kept that one activated.
These functions showed me the different types of support a user may need in order to access something I take for granted. I will take this forward in future when I develop web content and different learning materials.
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